two inductive problems

Terrence Tao quotes an (apparently) widely known problem, briefly paraphrased:

There is an island upon which 1000 people with various eye colors live. 900 have brown eyes, and 100 have blue. Each resident can (and does) see the eye colors of all other residents, but is forbidden by custom to try to discover one’s own (no talking about it, etc.). If (and only if) one does discover one’s own eye color somehow, then one commits suicide the following day for all to witness.

One day a visitor unaware of island customs comes to the island and announces (truthfully) to everyone: I see at least one blue-eyed person among you. What happens next?

One might be tempted to say that nothing happens, since every islander already sees either 99 or 100 blue-eyed people, so the visitor seemingly brought no new information.
(Read the article)