sending cd/dvd through mail

Postal Service to Netflix: redesign your mailers or face fees

The USPS is complaining that the Netflix mailer costs too much to process because it is, in practice, non-machinable, even though it qualifies for a machinable discount; and, its reply rate is too close to 100% for the discounted business reply mail to be profitable. Sounds to me like broken cost modeling by the USPS.
(Read the article)

mail interception, postal abuse, stamp value

Boy, this one may need a table of contents…

Let’s see, it all started with somebody wondering if you can get a letter back from the postal service once it has been mailed, but before it has been delivered. Maybe you changed your mind about sending the letter, for example. I still don’t know the answer, but I’m guessing if there is no return address on it, forget it. If there is a return address, however, it ought to be possible, right? The sender will get the letter back normally in the case that it is undeliverable, so the sender is essentially a secondary recipient. What does the postal service do with undeliverable mail that has no return address anyway? Shred it? Anyway, this doens’t seem like a satisfactory conclusion in any case, that the return address should play an unrelated role in the mail interception problem.

Which brings me to the second topic. (Read the article)