windows media center IR driver

To get IR remote working, use:

June 2006 update for MCE 2005 Rollup 2

how to get NVTV tuner to work with MCE

This tuner card kind of sucks, but it is supposed to work with Windows Media Center Edition 2005.

It doesn’t work out of the box, though. The way to get it to work is to install the following:

  1. The driver, version 1.20.45, from nVidia
  2. Forceware Multimedia 3.62 from XFX (with these two, the card will work with nVidia provided applications)
  3. April 2006 update for MCE 2005 Rollup 2 (that makes the card work under MCE)

It still craps out occasionally, but it works. Image quality is pretty good.

Edit: Wow, a couple of days playing with MCE made me realize that PC’s these days can be woken from hibernation on schedule programmatically — that’s right, hibernation, not standby, and that’s right, by software, not via wake-on-hardware. I wonder how that happens… I gotta try this on an older PC now to see if it works there, too.