balloon boy?

Can the balloon boy’s family still get a reality show?

That has to be the least self-aware question of all time…

Hasn’t this thing already become a reality show? By that I mean, all the participants are running it like one…

double log convergence

Here is a problem on complexity, or alternatively, convergence.

If an integer \(n\) is reduced by the largest square less than it each time until it is terminated at zero, show that the number of steps taken is at most order \(\log \log n\).

More precisely, let \(f(n) = n – {\left\lfloor{\sqrt{n}}\right\rfloor}^2\) and \(g(n)=k\) be the minimum number of steps until \(f^k(n)=0\). Prove that there exists some fixed \(A\) such that \(g(n)< A \log \log n\) for all \(n\ge 3\).
(Read the article)