Lang Lang getting tutored
It’s not like I play piano (I don’t), but I’ve never been convinced by most of Lang Lang’s performances. Too raw. Sure, one can argue it’s his own interpretation but it really is a bad one if it doesn’t make sense… I mean Beethoven is not video game music, which seems to be Lang Lang’s self professed straightjacket… Barenboim explains it well and I must say I agree with most of his criticisms:
[...] Here’s another interpretation on a classic. Melvyn Tan plays the same Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 23 discussed here on the fortepiano with, I believe, non-equal temperament tuning, too. This is quite amazing, with its clarity and register color differences that can only be approached with deliberate care in that video by Barenboim. This recording actually makes the second movement make sense finally. [...]